Circular economy’ services
SEDAMIR’s mission is to develop the area of sustainable industrial and environmental engineering, as well as to provide alternative bioproducts obtained from residual biomass materials.
The organization’s vision is to be a global company, based on efficiency and sustainability, aimed at contributing to the progress of society towards the circular economy.
Circular economy’ services
SEDAMIR’s mission is to develop the area of sustainable industrial and environmental engineering, as well as to provide alternative bioproducts obtained from residual biomass materials.
The organization’s vision is to be a global company, based on efficiency and sustainability, aimed at contributing to the progress of society towards the circular economy.
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Commercialization of bioproducts obtained from residual biomass
Biochar is defined in the IPCC 2018 report as a stable carbon-rich material that is produced by heating biomass in an oxygen deficient environment.
Likewise, the IPCC 2020 report indicates that the application of some types of biochar can store carbon (high confidence level) and improve soil conditions in some soil types/climates (medium confidence level), thus mitigating climate change.

Wood vinegar or pyroligneous acid is an aqueous dilution made up of different compounds such as acetic acid, furfurals, acetaldehydes and propanones, among others, obtained through the thermochemical processing of biomass.
This mixture is mainly used as herbicide, pesticide, as well as fertilizer and biostimulant, depending on the concentration applied.

Bio oil is an oily mixture made up of organic compounds obtained through the thermochemical processing of biomass.
This mixture is used in the manufacture of fertilizers and biostimulants. It is also used in surface treatments for the protection and conservation of wood, manufacture of asphalt sheets, as well as in thermal uses.

Other business areas
Environmental projects
Development of projects referring mainly to recycling and waste recovery activities, including landfill design, as well as environmental, technical and economic feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, processing of authorizations and environmental licenses.
Industrial and energy projects
Development of projects including material and energy recovery projects from various types of plastic and biomass waste.
R&D recycling techniques
Development of projects mainly oriented to the development of new sustainable recycling and waste recovery techniques in order to achieve a significant improvement of existing processes, as well as of the products obtained, including both industrial research and experimental development activities.